Wednesday, December 2, 2009

We are in NC!!!

Well here we are, in NC. Leaving Chicago was bitter sweet, but we are
trying to move on with the next steps of our lives together. Whatever
that may be ;). For the time being we are living in Lumberton with my
parents so that we can get properly settled and find a place to live,
a place that we really like. Rachel has found a job in the surgical
unit of Cape Fear Valley Medical Center and she is enjoying it so far.
From what she tells me she is really going to like working there, and
she is working day shifts so I'm really going to like her working
there too. I, on the other hand, am still looking for a job, but I did
finally get accepted North Carolina State University. Considering it
was my first choice/the only school I applied to I am really excited
about that. One step closer to vet school. Cloye and Sheila are doing
well. My parents watched Sheila for us during the move and they loved
her so much they went out and adopted their own Great Dane (Gracie)!!
So here is a little video of Sheila and Gracie playing together.

1 comment:

Leah said...

Thanks for the new update!! :0

So, Rachel is in "Cape Fear".....??? oooo, if you have not seen the movie you need to, its a scary place :) but I'm so glad it sounds like she is going to like it and working day shift so thats GREAT!!

So cloye has a 'gracie' to play ?? My 'gracie' misses her...:)

Keep us posted and I'm glad things are falling into place just like you hoped for

Love ya!

Leah & gracie XOXOXOX