Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Back to Chi-town!!!

We are back! Yes, we all have survived our trip back to the mainland. Busy couple of weeks just getting into the swing of living downtown again. It is really good so see all of our friends and family again. We have a really awesome apartment, which is right downtown, and we are both back to working full-time. The wedding planning is coming along pretty well, there are only a few more details to get wrapped up and everything should be in place. We are still waiting on ALOT of people to RSVP so if you are reading this and you haven't RSVP'd please do so immediately. The deadline was set at July 1st and that is just around the corner. Which also means that the big day is only 6 weeks away!! The webcam is back in business, but it won't be up as often is was before so check back regularly. That't all for now. BYE!!

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