Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Updates on Our Life and Blog

Aloha everyone. For those of you who haven't heard our dryer has been out of commission for a little over a month and we have been going to the laundromat to do our laundry (15 min drive $2.75/wash) and that was getting annoying. Well my neighbor Damien, who we share a washer and dryer with, found one the other day for only 50 bucks and I installed it over the weekend. So now we have an almost new dryer!! As most of you know we are coming back to the mainland for the summer before we get married and we have been looking into shipping Sheila, who now weighs around 80 pounds. The estimates we have been given were around $1600 dollars ONE-WAY! That was obviously way more than we could afford, but not to worry. Rachel found out yesterday that Continental Airlines will ship Sheila for $850 ROUNDTRIP!! Thats awesome. We were getting really worried because we did not want to leave Sheila here for 2 whole months without us, nor did we want to have to ask any of our friends to take on such a huge task. Nothing has been finalized yet, but its looking a little better than before. Now for the blog itself. I have added 2 new features to the blog which I mentioned in the Updates list. The first feature is the blog Archive, which is a little navigating tool you can use to go to any blog post in the past by clicking on the year and month. The second feature is a Guestbook which is located at the top of the blog, right above the latest blog post. I decided to put in a Guestbook because it was getting hard for me to keep up with new comments, and I thought it would be a easier for everyone to leave and respond to messages.

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